Route optimisation for an efficient and sustainable last mile

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In the world of retail, the last-mile journey has long been seen as the ultimate frontier, where success or failure can hinge on the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery. It’s clear that the investment thesis for last-mile logistics is no longer up for debate. However, transitioning from theory to reality and unlocking the full potential of last-mile logistics requires a fundamental shift in approach – a shift made possible by Commerce Delivery technology.

Let’s journey through the future of last-mile logistics, starting with the inefficiencies baked into outdated, legacy frameworks. Picture this: a shopper orders online, setting off a convoluted chain of events. The order travels from the store to a sorting depot, then to the shopper’s house via multiple trucks, often with ineffective tracking. The result? Wasted miles, increased carbon emissions, longer delivery times, and frustrated customers left with a bad post-purchase experience. This antiquated model not only damages brand reputation but also inflates costs unnecessarily.

Now, imagine a different scenario, one where Commerce Delivery technology revolutionises this process. The shopper still places the order online, but this time, the order goes directly from the store to the customer’s doorstep, leveraging the brick-and-mortar network as a virtual distribution network. With up-to-date tracking and communication, the delivery process becomes seamless, efficient, and cost-effective, reducing waste and creating happier, loyal customers.

But we don’t stop there. With the groundwork now laid, we can take it further. By harnessing the power of insights and reporting, we optimise route density, strategically placing inventory based on demand. Tools like Smart Routing and NowGo allow us to orchestrate deliveries with precision, further reducing waste, lowering costs, and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Yet, our journey doesn’t end with optimised routes. We envision a future where commerce and fulfilment operations are seamlessly integrated, where ecommerce and logistics teams work hand in hand towards a common goal. No longer siloed, these teams collaborate within a unified operating system, leveraging data and visibility to drive better conversion rates and customer experiences. In this model, logistics is not just a cost centre but a competitive advantage, driving business growth and efficiency.

The transformative power of Commerce Delivery technology enables a reimagining of last-mile logistics, positioning it not as a challenge to overcome but as an opportunity to thrive.

April 9, 2024

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